NODE JS Training

Improve your career options by learning NODE JS Development. Master Web Development and build your first website today.

About the course:

  • NodeJs is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It is a popular tool for almost any kind of project! NodeJs runs single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous programming, which is very memory efficient.
  • NodeJs is similar in design to, and influenced by, systems like Ruby's Event Machine and Python's Twisted. NodeJs takes the event model a bit further. It presents an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library.
  • NodeJs being designed without threads doesn't mean you can't take advantage of multiple cores in your environment. Child processes can be spawned by using our child_process.fork() API, and are designed to be easy to communicate with. Built upon that same interface is the cluster module, which allows you to share sockets between processes to enable load balancing over your cores.

Why Choose NodeJS?

One of the reasons NodeJs frameworks are a popular choice for developers building a flexible and scalable backend is its event-driven, non-blocking nature. However, frontend developers will see these benefits of NodeJs in their own work just as clearly.

Advantages Of NodeJs:

  • Reusability

  • JavaScript is a common language that’s used to write both backend and frontend with the help of frameworks like Express.js and Meteor.js. Some popular stacks like MERN use Express.js as a backend (a Node.js framework). Multiple components can be reused between frontend and backend as well.

  • Productivity and developer efficiency

  • Thanks to a reduction in context-switching between multiple languages, a great deal of developer time can be saved. Using JavaScript for both backend and frontend results in increased efficiency, as many tools are common for both.

  • Huge community

  • A thriving online community factors into the speed of a successful development cycle. When you get stuck on a problem, there’s a good chance that someone’s already solved it and shared the solution on Stack Overflow. NodeJs makes great use of this community, which is active and engaged when it comes to the popular runtime and its packages.

  • How It Works


    • What is the history of NodeJS?
      • NodeJs was written initially by Ryan Dahl in 2009, about thirteen years after the introduction of the first server-side JavaScript environment, Netscape's LiveWire Pro Web. The initial release supported only Linux and Mac OS X. Its development and maintenance was led by Dahl and later sponsored by Joyent.

    • What is the demand of this course?
      • NodeJs is open source and free on top of everything else, so developers love it, especially JavaScript devs who want to take their coding to the next level. And the people hiring these developers are interested in today's faster, real-time, event-driven servers, so NodeJs developers are in high demand.

    • What to do after this course?
      • After learning NodeJs you can write server-side web application logic in JavaScript and/or variants of it, such as CoffeeScript, IcedCoffeeScript, etc. After mastering NodeJs, the next step would be to learn a front-end framework like React or Vue.js. Both frameworks offer a great way to create interactive and dynamic web applications.

    • Average salary for NodeJs developer?
      • The average salary for a NodeJS Developer is ₹4,30,000.